Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Homeless Hub Team

Finally, after much anticipation, Phase II of the Homeless Hub is
complete! Please visit us at www.homelesshub.ca

In addition to the new look: We have added to our library which now contains over 25,000 homelessness resources; we've improved our search feature; we've enhanced our Topics and Subtopics section; we've added an Education section with curriculum units and resources for teachers and students; we've added networking tools that allow you to create a personal profile; connect to your own research; add resources to your favourites; "talk back" to and rate the resources; And much more!

To begin, please "Register" and follow the easy instructions to
create your profile. Once that is complete, you will be able to use all the
features mentioned above. So, please explore the new site, interact using our many new features and offer your feedback. Please spread word of the new Homeless Hub to everyone in your networks. We appreciate your support!
York University, Toronto

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