Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Open Forum February 24th Milton Affortable Housing Program

Good news! At last the Region is moving ahead with housing on the Martin House part of the Allendale campus. They decided not to wait for Provincial-Federal funds after all, but to move ahead with the first 40 units on their own and keep applying for funding for the remaining 40 units. Not the range of housing that MAHC has been advocating for on the site, but glad to see some new housing being built. The decision on the type was made to qualify for funding. The Regional staff have said that they are in agreement with the site at the corner of Childs & Ontario being used for a mix of commercial/office on the lower floors and assisted rental housing above. There is hope for housing for people who are not seniors.

The purpose of the Open Forum is to share information with the Seniors community of Milton, tenants of Ontario Street, and neighbours of the surrounding townhouse community of the proposed development of a residence for seniors and seniors with disabilities on the south-east corner of the Ontario Street property under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Extension, New Rental Housing Component. Representatives from Halton Region, the Town of Milton and Regional Architects will be on hand to provide information and answer questions regarding the proposed development, the local planning process, and the architectural design, and how the project meets the needs of the community.

Session 1 will be primarily targeted to Seniors and staff of the Seniors Activity Centre, and Allendale Long-term Care facility, Halton Police Services, EMS and Halton Women's Place.. Session 2 will be open to the community.

Session 1:
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Place: Milton Seniors' Activity Centre - Games Room

Session 2:
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Place: Milton Seniors' Activity Centre - Games Room

Open Forum
Proposed Housing Development - Ontario Street
Hosted by: Regional Councillor Best, Councillor Schau, and Councillor Scherer


Unknown said...

Hi John. Thanks for your interest in the open forums, we are looking forward to them.

Halton Region has submitted this project proposal for approval through the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing program extension and the Region has committed funding should the proposal be approved. There are no plans for the rest of the campus at this point in time.

Savanna said...

I have just happened across this blog...we live in Milton, and would like to know more about how to help the homeless in our area. There seems to be almost no avenues that are readily known to the public. We don't even know how many homeless are in Milton, but we know they are there. We feel that it our calling and responsibility to help those that are marginalized in society...any suggestions of avenues to do this in Milton? any other ways we can help?