Friday, May 7, 2010

Landmark! Motion is passed to form project partnership with Home Suite Hope

Last night the MACCWT voted to approve the motion. This is a great first step in enabling a project committee to explore and plan a potential Home Suite Hope transitional housing project in Milton. The motion passed reads: "That Milton Area Christian Churches Working Together establish an outreach project committee, headed by Ruth Parkinson (St. Paul’s Mission & Outreach Chairperson) and Lorna Turner (St. Paul’s representative to MACCWT), to investigate the options and formulate a workable plan which will allow MACCWT to partner with St. Paul’s United Church Mission and Outreach Team and interested groups from any other Milton church, and to propose a program offering transitional housing to those in need in Milton and area; and that this project committee have authorization to partner with Home Suite Hope (Oakville) in developing a Milton-based program; and that MACCWT’s publicity and networking resources be at the disposal of this project committee; and that any financial commitment to this project from general MACCWT funds not exceed $2000 per fiscal year.”
This motion passed means:
Approval in principle to establish project committee
Approval to publicize to MACCWT member churches to test interest, seek input and advice, and recruit volunteers for project committee.
Agreement to invest in formualting a full working plan to bring to a future MACCWT Board meeting

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