Sunday, September 16, 2012

Needs Assessment Survey

This summer a client services team at Milton Transitional Housing has been researching community partners regarding their experiences with the homeless or at risk population in Milton. The results once examined to the following questions will be summarised and communicated.

1) Who are the homeless in Milton? Over the past year, approximately how many clients have you served that are homeless or at risk of homelessness?
2) Are they accessing resources within your agency? If so, what type? What referrals have you provided them?
3) What are their barriers to housing? (Specific to the Milton community)
4) Predominantly, what are their circumstances? (Examples: single, couple, family, youth, adult, senior, correctional, family violence, additions, etc)
5) Where are they finding shelter/temporary housing? (e.g. couch surf, church, etc.)
6) What is their source of income? (Ontario Works, ODSP, EI, employment, OAS/CCP)
7) What service gaps do you see in our community for this vulnerable population?

Please add any comments of your own and we will soon share the results when the survey has been presented to the full committee.

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