Monday, April 11, 2016

Voices from those at risk of homelessness

We can only help those at risk of homelessness by hearing from them first hand. Here are two stories with just these insights.

Two articles were published in the last week
Click on the hyperlinks above to go to the online stories.

The Putting a 'human face on poverty in Hamilton interviews four people affected by poverty to hear the challenges they faced and have overcome. These stories were shared at a Voices from the Margins session at McMaster University's Continuing Education Centre.

Putting faces to homelessness describes work by two passionate Waterloo students Justin Chan and Konica Kochar, who have built a tremendous Facebook page called Homeless in Waterloo with real stories.  It demonstrates the power of social media in creating social change.

I encourage you to 'Like' the Homeless in Waterloo Facebook page

Congratulations to the journalists, Kitchener Post and The Hamilton Spectator for sharing these stories. Share the link to this post across your social media accounts.

Photograph reproduced with kind permission from The Hamilton Spectator.

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